
Monday, 9 February 2015

Global Share of Farms /According to Land Size

Global Share of Farms /According to Land Size
Here are few stats regarding global farm share according to size. The general facts are that more than 500 million families are active in farming, majority of which have small-sized farms.
The total number of farms across the world amount to 460, spanning across 111 countries, although the difficulty to extract data makes it harder to deem these figures as exact.
Globally, the large farms are more dominant in countries with high income level. Distribution of land is even in countries with low incomes.

  • 72 percent of all farms measure less than one hectare. It is 8 percent of total agriculture land.
  • 12 percent of farms are 1-2 hectares. They constitute 4 percent of total land.
  • 10 percent of the farms are 2-5 hectares. They amount to 7 percent of land.
  • Only 3 percent of the farms are between 5 to 10 hectares.
  • Just 1 percent of the farms measure between 10-20 hectares, but surprisingly, these farms amount to 65% of the total land. Most of these are owned and operated by large families.
  • Only 2% of the farms are larger than 20 hectares.